Divorce & Child Custody Law
K.S.C v. M.C., Very High Conflict Child Custody Matter – Family Law Attorney Ali Shahrestani Very Successfully Represented Father, an immigrant. 2 minor children involved, ages 2 and 4. Mother represented by 3 very hostile attorneys – one of them a “Super Lawyer”, and Mom sought very limited supervised visitation, alleged domestic violence and sought permanent restraining orders against Dad, alleged Dad is child abduction threat and sought permanent child protective orders against Dad, sought monetary sanctions against Dad. Attorney Ali Shahrestani achieved extended, unsupervised, and regular father-child time for Dad, including weekend overnights and weekdays. Court ultimately denied Mom’s requests for permanent restraining orders, denied Mom’s requests for permanent child protective orders, and denied Mom’s multiple requests for monetary sanctions against Dad.
G.A.v. A.F., High Conflict Child Custody Matter – Negotiated very high-conflict parties to an amicable 50-50 resolution of all issues
T.M v. R.Z., very confidential Paternity and Privacy Rights matter, negotiated amicable settlement of issues
Marriage of R., Family Dissolution Case
Z.B v. N.H., Child Custody and Divorce issue re: alleged Child Kidnapping, UCCJEA Jurisdiction issues, Domestic Violence, Child Custody and Support
K.G. v. B.G., Divorce matter re: Child Custody and Support, Community Property Division, Domestic Violence, and Negotiations.
M.W. v. B.W., Divorce matter re: Child Custody and Support, Community Property Division, Domestic Violence, Negotiations, Allegations of Child Abduction, UCCJEA Jurisdiction Issues.
J.F. v. L.F., Divorce matter re: Community Property Division, Real Estate Fraud, Bankruptcy
G.C. v. C.C., High Conflict Divorce Matter re: Division of Property and Assets; Claims of Hidden Business Interests and Assets and Wasted Assets
M.R. v. J.E., Child Custody Dispute with Allegations of Child Abuse
R.N. v. A.N., Collaborative Divorce Negotiations including Property Settlement Issues and Issues re: Marital Annulment based on Marital Fraud
D.B. v. S.A., Limited Scope Representation of Wife in Divorce matter re: husband’s allegations of violence, drugs, and dispute re: marital assets and requests by husband for spousal support and attorney’s fees.
K.L. v. S.L., Representation of Husband in Divorce matter re: Business assets, child custody, multiple homes, and other issues.
C.S. v. T.S., Representation of Husband in Divorce matter re: division of marital assets.
R.M. v. G.M., Representation of Wife in Divorce negotiations re: division of marital assets, restraining order pursuant to domestic violence, hidden marital assets, and potential sanctionable actions by Husband.
“Ali, what I particularly liked about your work is your constant emphasis on detail and time lines involving my case. For example, keeping me updated on court hearings 24/7 and explaining every aspect of the law pertaining to my case whether it be positive or negative ... There were times where I was overwhelmed and felt pressured by the other side, you believed in me and sorted it all out. My final [case resolution] says it all. I [am] very, very, happy with the final outcome with no regrets.”
Education Law
Professor v. Monterey Institute of International Studies, Education Employment Breach of Contract, Academic Freedom, and Faculty Grievance Negotiations on behalf of Professor against Monterey Institute of International Studies.
Student v. DeAnza College, Student Grievance Representation re: Plagiarism allegations, Grade Appeal, Unfair Intimidation by Professor, and possible Suspension Negotiations and Grievance Hearing against Faculty and Dean at DeAnza College in Cupertino, CA. Student’s complaints against Professor re: unfair intimidation were investigated and sustained by Grievance Board, Student not suspended or expelled for alleged Plagiarism.
Representation re: Special Needs Student at High School re: Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Student v. Academy of Art University (San Francisco, CA), Negotiations Representation for Graduate Student Expelled for Alleged Violation of School Rules and Policies re: Plagiarism. Result: Student Re-Admitted to Graduate Program.
Teacher v. Santa Cruz City Schools, Administrative Complaints on Behalf of Teacher re: Breach of Union Employment Contract, Violation of Government Tort Claims Act, and Unlawful Gender Discrimination.
Student v. University of California, Berkeley, Legal Advice concerning student’s allegations re: Grade Appeals, Violation of Privacy of Student Records, Harassment and Assault, Unlawful Gender Discrimination, and Challenge to Dismissal.
Student v. Palo Alto High School (Palo Alto, CA), representing student’s grade appeal and allegations regarding high school’s violations of Americans with Disabilities Act, CA Education Code, and related statutes, including complaint before the Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice.
Representation of a student in dispute involving dismissal from nursing program of a community college.
Representation of an international Art School against student in alleged breach of contract dispute.
Representation of a teacher in response to California Commission on Teacher Credentialing misconduct investigation.
Representation of a student against University of Phoenix graduate program in alleged plagiarism matter.
Representation of a graduate student with learning disabilities seeking reinstatement to a doctorate program after dismissal from Alliant International University in San Francisco, CA, where student challenged the University for wrongful dismissal and for disability rights violations. The student was successfully reinstated and graduated.
Representation of an undergraduate student at Pace University in a suspension matter for alleged harassment of another student. Suspension order successfully lifted, student resumed classes.
Representation of Final-Year Law Student Facing Possible Expulsion for alleged Academic Integrity Violation. Student not expelled or suspended.
Representation of 5th Grade Student Facing Possible Expulsion for alleged obscenity and bullying of other students. Student not expelled.
Representation of a College Student at a major Los Angeles area college re: mental disability discrimination via a forced Leave-of-Absence.
Representation of a College Nursing Student at a major New York City public college re: a grade dispute and related appeal of a dismissal from the program.
“The level of service I received from Ali Shahrestani was simply outstanding. Most impressive was his ability to see the big picture, while helping me focus on the details that were most relevant to my situation. Ali knew exactly how to tailor our work product for the audience it was intended for. Ali showed passion for his work and respect for me as a client. I highly recommend Ali Shahrestani to anyone seeking legal counsel.”
Business & Contracts
Defense Counsel for K.V. in F.L Sr., F.L. Jr., A.L., A.L., W.E, and S.E vs. K.V., J.F., et al. – Ali Shahrestani, Esq. achieved a total Victory for Defendants K.V. and K.V.’s company in a corporate fraud lawsuit involving multi-million dollar potential monetary and punitive damages based on claims of fraud, conspiracy, intentional misrepresentation, intentional nondisclosure, breach of contract, California securities violations, and negligence.
Outsourced General Counsel for MAPhone, LLC., a Mobile Software Start-up Company
Outsourced General Counsel for Lac Qui Parle Design, a Graphic Design Company
Burning Man, Trademark Prosecution
J.B. v. B. Insurance Svcs., Employment Breach of Contract and Bad Faith, Punitive Damages matter.
O. v. Aquantive, Razorfish, et al., Bad Faith Breach of Contract
EDD v. M.B., Client accused of unemployment insurance fraud, Charges dismissed.
Representation for Insurance Company in Copyright Litigation involving a Warner Brothers film
Community Access Programme v. Democratic Republic of Congo, Securities Litigation
O. v. W.E., Insurance Company, et al., Unfair Business Practices Act Litigation
H. v. Insurance Co. et al., Bad Faith Breach of Insurance Contract Litigation
Commercial Real Estate Lease, Intentional Interference with a Prospective Business Advantage, Defamation of Character, and Breach of Contract Negotiations on Behalf of Nightclub Company against Commercial Real Estate Company, San Jose, CA.
E.P. against Employer Store, Campbell, CA – Negotiations on behalf of Former Employee against Business re: alleged Breach of Contract, Wage Disputes, Intellectual Property Concerns, and possible Criminal Matter.
Representation of Executive H.P. against Lounge and Restaurant in San Jose, CA in high-conflict Board of Directors Negotiations.
Representation of an international Art School in complaint brought by student re: Breach of Contract and other claims
Representation of a Construction Company re: business acquisition target, and re: legal infrastructure of the Construction Company itself
Sierra Forest Products v. United States Department of the Interior, Endangered Species, Pacific Fisher, threatened by Timber Harvesting
Local Alliance v. Pacific Steel Casting, Nuisance injunction against Steel Refinery
Oil Company Refinery NPDES Compliance Schedule, Public Comments for Communities for a Better Environment
W.E. v. County et al., Environmental Health and Safety, Administrative Law, Premises Liability, Personal Injury Matter, representing Plaintiff.
Representation for County in Ad Valoram Tax Litigation against the Oil Refinery
Representation for County Regional Fee and Financing Authority in Condemnation Actions Related to the State Route Bypass
M.S. v. Volkswagen Corp of America, Trader Joe’s, et al, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Product Liability Matter, representing Plaintiff who was severely and permanently injured in a car accident.
L. v. Pacific Bell, Consumer Fraud Class Action
Unlawful Detainer Action, Superior Court, Landlord’s Negotiations and Trial Counsel in Landlord-Tenant Unlawful Detainer Matter involving Eviction of Tenant who lived in Landlord’s Red-Tagged Shed in Backyard; Issues involved County Notice of Violation of County Ordinances re: Illegally Occupied Dwelling; Tenant’s allegations of theft of personal property, restricted access to home, and that Landlord owes Tenant $20,000 before Tenant agrees to move out; Landlord’s allegations of Tenant’s alleged illegal drug cultivation and sale, destruction of property, harassment of other tenants, denial that Landlord owes Tenant $20,000, and issues concerning possible rent-to-buy contract. Tenant represented by local counsel. Unlawful Detainer matter settled via stipulation of the parties prior to trial in a manner favorable to Landlord, such that Tenant agrees to remedy any damage to the real property and to move out within the agreed time-period of 10 days from receipt of a reduced rate of the County Ordinance-required relocation funds (equal to 3 months’ rent) rather than Tenant’s original position that Tenant will move out only within 90 days of receipt of $20,000 from Landlord.
Several Personal Estate Portfolios, Living Wills, Support Trusts, Pour-Over Wills, Charitable Trusts
Multiple Property Fraud and Residential and Commercial Breach of Contract matters, including C. v. A., B. v. Chau.
W. v. CitiBank & CitiMortgage, successful Negotiations in the face of pending Foreclosure and Notice of Default
GMAC v. F., very successful monetary settlement negotiations for homeowner in the face of eviction proceedings after Foreclosure
Representation of Real Estate and Mortgage Company at Mediation re: complex, multi-party breach of contract matter.
W.D., LLC v. W., Landlord-Tenant Eviction, Unlawful Detainer case in County Superior Court of California. Represented Tenants. Acquired judgment of about 47 extra days for tenants to remain in home before eviction enforcement, even though tenants remained in home over a year after it was sold at auction after a bank foreclosure.
Multiple Matters involving Forensic Review and Negotiations concerning Client Case History, Mortgage Documentation, and Bank Related Correspondence, Possible Wrongful Foreclosure, Potential Mortgage Modification Violations, Truth In Lending Act (TILA), Home Owner’s Equity Protection Act (HOEPA), Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA), Breach of Contract Claims, and possible related Bankruptcy Chapter 13 and Bankruptcy Chapter 7.
Representation of Homeowner against HOA re: mutual allegations of HOA violations, resulting in mutually satisfying compromise resolution.
“Ali was extremely prompt and efficient with information, advice, research, and actions related to our legal inquiries. He has great communication skills and was always available to talk or correspond via phone or email. Ali’s work ethic, expertise, and professionalism sets him apart from other attorneys. We will not only seek Ali’s help in the future, but strongly recommend him for other people or entities seeking legal services.”
Consult with the attorney today.
Mr. Shahrestani welcomes you to set-up an Initial Consultation during which you’ll discuss your case and a possible legal strategy that will seek to optimize your case’s strengths and work through its weaknesses. Mr. Shahrestani focuses on giving you the most aggressive and creative legal representation available, working hard to perform all the necessary tasks to help maximize your chances of success, while seeking to keep costs and fees affordable.